Setting up a Limited Company in the UK: A Wise Business Move?

Setting up a Limited Company in the UK: A Wise Business Move?

When it comes to structuring your business, there are several options to consider – one of which is to establish yourself as a limited company. But, is this a wise business move? Ultimately, which structure you adopt depends on your


Limited Company incorporation – is it worth it?

Limited Company incorporation – is it worth it?

Whether just starting out, or established sole trader, you may be wondering if limited company incorporation is right for you. The truth is, it depends on your circumstances and what you want to achieve with your business. In years previous,


Company car tax comparison for employees

Company car tax comparison for employees

Company cars in the traditional sense have not always been the most tax efficient reward to offer a workforce. However, as part of its green agenda, the Government want to encourage the use of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid models,


Why is a shareholders’ agreement so important?

Why is a shareholders’ agreement so important?

Where there are multiple shareholders in a limited company it is important to formalise the working arrangements in respect of the business, and to plan for all eventualities. Creating a shareholders’ agreement is a good way to do this. Although


