The Kickstart Scheme, which was launched by the Government last year, has evolved to benefit more employers.
The purpose of the scheme is to give young adults, disadvantaged by the pandemic, an opportunity to ‘kickstart’ their career. Effectively, the scheme will facilitate the creation of hundreds of thousands of new job placements.
Less limitations means more employers will benefit
Previously, employers needed to commit to creating a minimum of 30 vacancies in order to apply directly to the scheme.
With this condition now having been removed, the size of an organisation should no longer represent a barrier to participation.
Employers can partner with a ‘gateway’ organisation to get involved with the scheme – i.e., local Chamber of Commerce.
In total, there are in excess of 600 approved gateways. As such, applications for new gateways will shortly close. The Government will monitor demand in the event that this position needs to be reconsidered.
“The Kickstart Scheme is a worthwhile initiative that is undoubtedly doing something to combat the unemployment generated by the Coronavirus crisis.
“The latest evolution means many more employers can participate in the programme; this is especially noteworthy for smaller businesses who may have missed out before because they were unable to meet the minimum vacancy requirement.
“Particularly beneficial is that the scheme will cover not only the attributable wages, but also some other costs that may be incurred in setting up new employees. This could include uniforms, or software licenses, for example.” – Samantha Green, Chartered Accountant
Start dates for the job roles created as a result of the scheme vary; however, all will commence during the course of this year.
How can George Hay help?
For advice and guidance in respect of the Kickstart Scheme, or any of the other Government support measures currently in place, contact us today.