The Scout Association has launched a new badge for Cub Scouts and Beavers to earn, called “The Money Skill Activity Badge”.
The aim is to provide an ‘age-appropriate’ introduction to the realm of money and finances, for young children and adolescents.
In order to earn the Money Skill Activity Badge, participating Cubs and Beavers will learn about currency (useful for international jamborees), budgeting (useful for camps), keeping track of money, what influences spending decisions and how to save.
Cubs and Beavers will undertake practical activities, to support their learning; for example, budgeting for a camp meal.
Our Senior Partner, Barry Jefferd has just been presented with a certificate to mark 40 years’ service as a Cub Scout Leader. He said:
“The idea of the Scout Programme is to equip younger people with valuable life skills, whilst also having fun. There is clearly a place in Scouting for a badge of this nature. Even though “finance is fun”, it is not as much fun as cooking on fires and sleeping in tents”.
Interestingly, one of our Partners was once a Cub Scout in Barry’s cub pack! So, who knows… there’s every possibility that the badge could encourage cubs to follow a career in accountancy!