Each year H M Revenue & Customs (HMRC) undertakes tax enquiries into various individuals and businesses to ensure that they have paid the right amount of tax. 

Since the end of the pandemic when activity was relatively low, there has been a steady increase in the number of reviews and enquiries taking place as the government seeks to recover the enormous costs incurred during that period.

The provider of our Tax Fee Protection Scheme, which covers professional fees we incur dealing with such HMRC enquiries, has seen this play out over the course of the last 12 to 18 months.  The number of claims from tax enquiries increased significantly during that period, with no let-up in sight, making the protection afforded by our Tax Fee Protection Scheme, at a relatively modest cost, more valuable than ever before.

The 2024 letters will be sent to our clients, week commencing 11 March 2024, enabling you to renew your cover or if you are not currently protected by our scheme, you will have an opportunity to join. 

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