Becky joined us back in March 2008 and is a valued member of our bookkeeping department, supporting clients with maintaining their business records and with the preparation and submission of VAT returns.

Q1. Describe George Hay in one word?


Q2. Having been with George Hay for over 12 years now, can you tell us a bit about what your role involves and what you enjoy most about working with clients and the team?

My role is to support our clients with the maintenance of their business records, typically on a monthly or quarterly basis.

I really enjoy speaking to and seeing clients on a regular basis, and of course being part of a close-knit team. That in itself has made this year a challenging one; since I’ve been working remotely, I’ve missed bouncing ideas off my colleagues and the face-to-face interaction with clients.

Q3. Describe yourself in three words?

Organised, conscientious and caring.

Q4. What’s your food heaven and food hell?

Heaven is Roast Lamb with all the trimmings & Hell is Mushy peas, which my Husband happens to love.

Q5. Why is bookkeeping such an important function, within a business?

It enables a business to keep track of their Debtors & Creditors for cashflow purposes. It also helps with efficient VAT & Tax planning and with the MTD for VAT having been introduced last year, it has become even more important.

Q6. Given most of our plans have been put on hold in 2020, what are you looking forward to in 2021?

After 2020, for some sense of normality to resume and to be able to leave the house and enjoy a ‘COVID free’ outside world.

Q7. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned, or the best bit of advice you’ve been given during your working life?

To have confidence in what you do.

Q8. Your profile tells us that you love going to the theatre – of the shows you’ve seen; do you have a particular favourite?

‘Wicked’! The story, the costumes & even the creepy flying monkeys were incredible.

Q9. It’s very nearly Christmas, so we’d like to know on a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your present-wrapping skills?

Definitely a 7 to begin with then probably a measly 2 by the end of it. I’m a keen recycler, so generally think wrapping paper & all the fluff is a waste.

Q10. If you could learn a new skill, or take up a new hobby, what would it be?

Again, after 2020, spending as much time with my Husband, our girls & our Labrador Bill is my new hobby!

Becky Gaffney

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