Joe joined the Huntingdon office back in 2012, to pursue his career in accountancy, having had an interest in numbers from an early age.

He began studying towards his professional qualification soon after he arrived, and he completed his AAT in 2015.

Joe recently completed his final exams, to achieve chartered status, and is now a qualified chartered accountant.

In his role as Client Manager, Joe is experienced in assisting with year-end accounts preparation and auditing.

Q1. Congratulations on recently having achieved chartered status! How did you feel when you found out you’d passed your final exams?

I was absolutely over the moon! 6 years of hard work had paid off!

Q2. Describe yourself in three words?

Hard-working, determined and approachable.

Q3. Food heaven and food hell?

Food heaven would have to be risotto, and food hell is egg!!

Q4. Describe George Hay in one word?


Q5. A little nod to Easter – would you rather have a Crème Egg, a Lindt bunny or a Malteser bunny?

Crème egg – every time!

Q6. What advice would you give to others currently studying or thinking about studying towards their professional qualifications?

It’s a lot of hard work, but it’s all worth it in the end when you finally find out that you’ve passed!

Q7. Tell us one fun/interesting fact about yourself that we might not already know?

I used to play the Cello in Junior School.

Q8. We know you’re a football fan – but if you could play professionally for any team in the world, who would it be?

Manchester United!

Q9. Name 3 things we’d find on your bucket list?

Visit Dubai

Meet Cristiano Ronaldo

Win the lottery!

Q10. How has your role changed in the time you’ve been with us and what do you enjoy most about it?

My role has become a lot more client-facing and I have taken on more and more responsibility as time has gone on. Every day is different, which is what makes working for George Hay so enjoyable.


Joe Kokotka

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