Samantha joined the George Hay team as a trainee at the Biggleswade office in 2013, initially splitting her time between bookkeeping and payroll.

In 2015, she made the move to working purely as a member of the payroll team. Samantha completed her studies in 2016 when she qualified with the Association of Accounting Technicians.

Q1. What three words best describe you?

Conscientious, Thoughtful, Creative

Q2. What do you enjoy most about working for George Hay?

Getting to work with some great people; both the staff here at George Hay and the clients I speak to. The payroll department is such a busy team, but we all work closely to get the job done!

Q3. If you had to come up with a Bucket List, what would be at the top?

It would definitely have to be something travel related. I would love to travel across the whole of America. I have already been to the Grand Canyon and I thoroughly enjoyed the journey through the vast Arizona desert, but I know there is so much more to see!

Q4. My favourite film is…

This one is tough! I am always watching movies so my favourite changes all the time! Currently, I’m obsessed with The Greatest Showman. I even have the soundtrack playing in my car!

Q5. If you could interview one famous person, past or present, who would it be and why?

The Queen – she has been the monarch for so long and seen so much change throughout her life. I think she would have some really great stories!

Q6. Describe George Hay in one word?


Q7. If you won the lottery tomorrow, what are the first three things you would do with the money?

Book a holiday (probably the trip around America from Question 3), take my family and friends out for a posh meal, and buy a bigger home!

Q8. What do you find most interesting about working in payroll?

There is always new legislation to keep up to date with, which keeps us on our toes! I like the challenge of having to apply legislation in different ways to suit how our clients operate. For example, in respect of auto-enrolment, we had to work with all of our clients individually to work out how it was going to work in practice for them.

Q9. With the night’s drawing in and gloomy, wet weather replacing the sunshine, if you could jet off to a sunnier climate anywhere in the world, where would you go?

On a beach somewhere luxurious and relaxing like the Maldives or Bora Bora (if money was no object of course!)

Q10. If you could bring one thing (band/T.V. programme/toy/food etc.) back from your childhood and make it popular again, what would it be?

I would probably bring back a load of classic TV programmes like The Rugrats, Mona the Vampire and Sabrina the Teenage Witch!


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